Meat-Balls Springers
Custom Style Springer Forks
Custom Style Springer Forks
Custom Style Springer front ends to suit early and late model Harley’s, Choppers, Bobbers & Custom motorcycles including Triumphs and Yamaha XS650’s
Our Custom Style Springers will fit most Harley Davidson Big Twins from 1949-2017 and 1982-2003 Sportsters with 1" neck bearings. Not for use on Dyna or FLT Touring Models
Due to the less complicated manufacturing process (no castings or tapered legs & less welding etc) Meat-Balls Custom Style forks are priced accordingly in direct competition with other brands of this style of custom fork.
At a glance, it will be easy for you to think these forks are another well known brand. However, our custom Style forks are made for us, and to our specifications and are far superior to our competitor's forks.
There are 3 main features that set our Custom Style Springers apart from other brands of similar forks.
- Meat-Balls Custom Style Springers have forged high strength main legs that are one piece that passes through the lower triple tree. (Other brands have 2-piece legs that are but welded at the lower triple tree)
- The Meat-Balls front spring fork is 1” in diameter. (Other brands use a smaller diameter front spring fork)
- The Meat-Balls springer handles and rides nicely due to the spring rates we have perfected.
Other features include:
Available in Satin Black with chrome springs & hardware or Full Chrome.
1-inch removable stem, which is perfect if you want to fit this springer to a bike without a 1" stem (you would need to have a new stem machined/fitted)
- Supplied with chrome custom top clamp, nuts, & ¾ inch axle kit.
- Forks will accept either right or left side brake setups.
- Internal threads on the upper end of the fork legs allow for the installation of riser adapters. The adapters allow the use of generic type risers.
- Precision-fit bronze rocker bushings for long life.
- Castle nuts on the rocker studs for easy servicing/greasing
- Threads in read leg are 3/8" UNC.
We have a range of Top Clamps that are sold separately and include Flanders style top clamps, Stelling & Hellings top clamps, Custom top clamps to suit generic type risers, OEM Harley Style top clamps, and Speedster handlebars that can all be used on our Custom Style Springers.
Meat-Balls Custom Style forks are available in 6 different lengths. 19” 21” 23” 25” 27"& 29”
Available in Satin Black with chrome springs & hardware
or Full Chrome.
Big Twin Harley Davidsons:
Designed to fit most Harley Davidson Big Twins from 1949-2017 and 1982-2003 Sportsters with 1" neck bearings and 3/4" Axle.
To install on 1952-1981 Sportsters, a 7/8" - 1" bearing cup conversion kit will be needed (we have these in stock)
To install on 650 Triumphs from 1956 – 1970 and Triumph 500 models 1967 and up a bearing Conversion kit will be needed (we have these in stock)
Yamaha XS650:
To install on XS650’s 1970 to 1983 a top clamp and bearing conversion kit will be needed (we have these in stock)
What length do I need?